
Use C++ libraries from Rust


All (or most) builds of Qt available in the official installer, Linux repositories, and brew are shared libraries or frameworks. This means that any executable built with these libraries will depend on Qt and won’t run if Qt is not present on the end user’s system.

It’s possible to build Qt statically, so that you can build a standalone executable, but it’s a more complicated process. Removing dependency on vc-redist dynamic library on Windows is also hard to do. It’s much easier to use macdeployqt and windeployqt tools to create a directory that contains all required files. Rust-Qt crates don’t support linking against static Qt builds.

Executables produced by Rust-Qt are much like normal executables produced by C++ compilers, so the deployment process doesn’t differ from deploying a C++/Qt application. You can use official Qt deployment guides:

For Windows, the basic idea is to copy your executable to a new directory and run windeployqt to populate it with all the files required by Qt. Note that executables produced by Visual Studio depend on Visual C++ Redistributable. windeployqt will copy the vc_redist.x64.exe installer to your destination directory, and your installer should run that to make sure the proper version of this library is available on the end user’s system.

A common approach on Linux is to declare that your package depends on Qt libraries and only include your executable in the package. The system’s package manager will ensure that Qt packages are installed. Refer to the documentation of the target Linux distributions for detailed instructions.