
Use C++ libraries from Rust

Setting up

To make sure the parsing results are consistent and reproducible, it’s recommended to use a reproducible environment, such as provided by docker. This will also help your future contributors.

Ritual provides a Dockerfile containing its dependencies. This image is published at riateche/ritual_builder. If the published version isn’t suitable, you can build the image locally:

cd ritual
docker build . -f scripts/docker/builder.dockerfile -t riateche/ritual_builder

Use this image as a base and create your own image that installs and sets up the C++ library you want to work with. See Dockerfile for an example.

Note that the image contains only the environment. No pre-built ritual artifacts are included. This allows you to edit the source code of your generator and re-run it without the slow process of rebuilding the docker image. You can use cargo to run the generator, just like you would normally do it on the host system.

When running the container, mount /build to a persistent directory on the host system. This directory will contain all temporary build files, so making it persistent will allow you to recreate the container without having to recompile everything from scratch.

In addition to the build directory, you should also mount one or more directories containing the source code of your generator and the ritual workspace directory (see below) to make it available in the container. The paths to these directories can be arbitrary.

Here is an example of running a container:

cd ~/clipper/repo
# build your image
docker build . -t clipper_generator
# remove previously created container
docker ps -a -q --filter "name=clipper_generator" | grep -q . && \
    docker rm clipper_generator
# create an container and run a command in it
docker run \
    --mount type=bind,source=~/clipper/repo,destination=/repo \
    --mount type=bind,source=~/clipper/workspace,destination=/workspace \
    --mount type=bind,source=~/clipper/tmp,destination=/build \
    --name clipper_generator \
    --hostname clipper_generator
    -it \
    clipper_generator \

Replace your_command with a cargo command you want to run or just specify bash to open a shell inside the container.

Without docker

In case you don’t want or can’t use docker, you can just install all required dependencies on your host system and run your generator natively with cargo, like any Rust project.

The dependencies are cmake and libclang. Sometimes you may need to set some environment variables to make libclang work correctly, for example:

export LIBCLANG_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-9.0/lib
export CLANG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/clang/9.0.0/include

You can clone ritual and run cargo test to make sure it’s all working.

You should also install the C++ library you want to work with. If the library is not available in the system directories, you should set up environment variables to make it available. In addition to variables recognized by standard tools (LIB, PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH), there are also variables recognized by ritual (RITUAL_LIBRARY_PATH, RITUAL_FRAMEWORK_PATH, RITUAL_INCLUDE_PATH) that you may also need to set.